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Training at Training for Trips


Training for Trips will work with you to understand your current level of fitness, training routine and goals. Using this information we will individualise a training program for you to ensure you are fit, ready and confident to have an amazing adventure.


We are experts at supporting people to achieve extraordinary things


Our resident high performance expert, Dr Justin Crow, has a unique mix of qualifications and experience that guarantees you are getting a training program of the highest quality:

Australian Strength and Conditioning Association Pro Scheme:  Elite Coach

Exercise and Sports Science Australia: Accredited High Performance Manager

Australian Physiotherapy Association: Accredited Physiotherapist

10+ years of strength/conditioning, rehabilitation and high performance coaching in professional football

Currently Head of Human Performance at Melbourne Victory FC

Image by kazuend

We start with the end in mind


We know our trips inside out. We will provide you with a program that is precisely targeted at the physical demands of your adventure. We consider the musculoskeletal, physiological, environmental and psychological demands of each trip and will tailor you a program with a high degree of specificity that will give you the confidence you need to maximise your enjoyment and have an amazing trip.

Got questions?

Mountain Bike

Your Journey Starts Now

We want to be the best in the world at pre-trip engagement. All it takes to get started is to hit the button and book your trip.

Book early for more value


The earlier you book, the earlier you will receive Training for Trips’ individualised attention, and the longer you will have to prepare for your adventure. Seriously – Your Journey Starts Now.

We value connection

We plan to facilitate in-person training opportunities and pre-trip engagement to support your connection with other like-minded people in the Training for Trips community. We hope our journeys don’t finish at the end of your trips and that we can stay connected and continue to support each other.

We are adaptable

We know that not everything always goes to plan. Whether it is a couple of missed sessions or a minor setback we are available to work with you to fine-tune and adapt your program on the run. We want you to succeed and are with you for the journey.

We are comfortable with complex

Through our work in Professional and Paralympic sport we welcome complex presentations and are equipped to understand how your past injuries and/or medical conditions might affect your training and your trip. We can program for people of all ages and encourage diversity.

We use cutting-edge technology

You will receive your program digitally using training prescription platforms utilised in high performance and professional sport. We can modify our prescription parameters to fit with the technology you prefer to use, and the equipment you have available to you.


"I have been fortunate enough to have been on two high performance camps with Justin and I cannot speak highly enough of them. Justin ensured that all members of the group worked together, teaching us the importance of being in a team environment. They were well organised, varied, designed for all age groups and levels and most of all they were designed to leave us with life long memories."


- Wes Fleming OAM

  Managing Director Fleming's Nurseries

COVID-19 Policy and Countermeasures


COVID-19 Booking Policy


If you book on a Training for Trips adventure and the experience is deemed inoperable due to restrictions caused by COVID-19, the following options are available to you:


  • You are able to rebook your trip for any of the next available dates  

  • You can rebook onto an alternate trip and your deposit will be transferred across

  • Your deposit can be held in credit to use towards another TFT adventure to be rebooked by 31 Dec 2022.



COVID-19 Summary Policy


This information is in relation to Training for Trips’ current response to COVID-19 and provides guidance in dealing with how the virus may impact your travels with us.


Although we consider the current risk to travel with us as very low, we do take health and well-being seriously, and are taking all appropriate measures to deliver a safe and enjoyable experience. Training for Trips is a COVID Safe Tour Operator operating under guidelines issued by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and supported by the Council of Australian Tour Operators (CATO).

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During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we ask our travellers to adhere to the rules of social distancing at all times for your own safety and for the safety of our team and other guests.


A letter will be presented to all guests at the commencement of your tour if operating during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This letter will outline the importance of sanitisation, social distancing and the obligation of reporting any coughs or symptoms.


All crew are updated to report on any suspicious incidents relating to travellers health.


Drivers and guides are encouraged to avoid large crowds or areas of congregation.


Due to social distancing restrictions, you may travel in a larger vehicle than normal or multiple vehicles in convoy to allow us to manage social distancing parameters.


Our safety hygiene practices are always our major priority, and in addition, following guidelines from health bodies, we will increase the deep cleaning and disinfecting of all vehicles and all hotel partners will do the same of all rooms and other areas prior to your check in.


Please be mindful of the number of people in hotel reception areas at any given time before entering. We thank you in advance for your patience.


Employees and travellers are reminded of the importance of regular hand washing and personal hygiene. All crew have been issued documentation regarding the importance of this and more. Any of our crew will be stood down from duty should they have confirmed contact with a COVID-19 person in the previous two weeks prior to your travels.


Travellers with confirmed COVID-19, or who have tested positive for COVID-19, or who have been in contact with a COVID-19 person in the previous two weeks prior to travel, will not be allowed to travel with Training for Trips.


Travellers who have travelled to any country subject to travel restrictions relating to COVID-19 in the previous two weeks, will not be able to travel with Training for Trips unless they have clearance from a registered health practitioner.


Any traveller who is denied travel with Training for Trips due to COVID-19, will be permitted to apply for no charge cancellation, subject to non refundables.


We are in regular contact with our suppliers to ensure they are taking the right precautions to minimise risk and adhering to our guidelines.

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